Showing posts from 2014


C++ program to divide numbers.

C++ program to add two numbers.

How to create pages in your blogspot blog.

C++ program to check whether the number is palindrome or not.

C++ program to find the average.

C++ program to convert a length given in feet and inches to centimeters.

C++ program to calculate no. of even and odd numbers in a given array.

C++ program to find the absolute value of a number.

C++ program to find the reverse of a number.

c++ program to swap two numbers using pointers

C++ program to print a pyramid of stars

Binary search c++ program in data structure

how to solve newton raphson method in c++.


Program to solve equations in numerical techniques by bisection method using c++.

Program to solve equations in numerical techniques by regula falsi method using c++.

Program for solving equation in numerical techniques by secant method using c++.