The DFG supports research in science , engineering , and the humanities through a large variety of grant programmes, prizes and by funding infrastructure. The self-governed organization is based in Bonn and financed by the German states and the federal government. Only Germany's leading research universities are members of the DFG. The most important research prize endowed by the DFG is the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . Background In 1937, the Notgemeinschaft der Wissenschaft (NG) was renamed the Deutsche Gemeinschaft zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Forschung ("German Association for the Support and Advancement of Scientific Research"), for short known as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By the end of World War II in Germany, in 1945, the DFG was no longer active. In 1949, after formation of the Federal Republic , it was re-founded as the NG and again from 1951 as the DFG. [1] [2] Structure The DFG is a member of the International Council for ...
The DFG supports research in science , engineering , and the humanities through a large variety of grant programmes, prizes and by funding infrastructure. The self-governed organization is based in Bonn and financed by the German states and the federal government. Only Germany's leading research universities are members of the DFG. The most important research prize endowed by the DFG is the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . Background In 1937, the Notgemeinschaft der Wissenschaft (NG) was renamed the Deutsche Gemeinschaft zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Forschung ("German Association for the Support and Advancement of Scientific Research"), for short known as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By the end of World War II in Germany, in 1945, the DFG was no longer active. In 1949, after formation of the Federal Republic , it was re-founded as the NG and again from 1951 as the DFG. [1] [2] Structure The DFG is a member of the International Council fo...
The DFG supports research in science , engineering , and the humanities through a large variety of grant programmes, prizes and by funding infrastructure. The self-governed organization is based in Bonn and financed by the German states and the federal government. Only Germany's leading research universities are members of the DFG. The most important research prize endowed by the DFG is the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . Background In 1937, the Notgemeinschaft der Wissenschaft (NG) was renamed the Deutsche Gemeinschaft zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Forschung ("German Association for the Support and Advancement of Scientific Research"), for short known as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By the end of World War II in Germany, in 1945, the DFG was no longer active. In 1949, after formation of the Federal Republic , it was re-founded as the NG and again from 1951 as the DFG. [1] [2] Structure The DFG is a member of the International Council fo...
The DFG supports research in science , engineering , and the humanities through a large variety of grant programmes, prizes and by funding infrastructure. The self-governed organization is based in Bonn and financed by the German states and the federal government. Only Germany's leading research universities are members of the DFG. The most important research prize endowed by the DFG is the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . Background In 1937, the Notgemeinschaft der Wissenschaft (NG) was renamed the Deutsche Gemeinschaft zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Forschung ("German Association for the Support and Advancement of Scientific Research"), for short known as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By the end of World War II in Germany, in 1945, the DFG was no longer active. In 1949, after formation of the Federal Republic , it was re-founded as the NG and again from 1951 as the DFG. [1] [2] Structure The DFG is a member of the International Council fo...
The DFG supports research in science , engineering , and the humanities through a large variety of grant programmes, prizes and by funding infrastructure. The self-governed organization is based in Bonn and financed by the German states and the federal government. Only Germany's leading research universities are members of the DFG. The most important research prize endowed by the DFG is the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . Background In 1937, the Notgemeinschaft der Wissenschaft (NG) was renamed the Deutsche Gemeinschaft zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Forschung ("German Association for the Support and Advancement of Scientific Research"), for short known as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). By the end of World War II in Germany, in 1945, the DFG was no longer active. In 1949, after formation of the Federal Republic , it was re-founded as the NG and again from 1951 as the DFG. [1] [2] Structure The DFG is a member of the International Council for ...
Definition of linked list- A linked list is a collection of dynamically allocated nodes consisting two fields one for storing data and other is for storing the address of it's successor element and each node is connected to it's successor. Linked list is a non-primitive and a very efficient data structure. A simple node of linked list- Data Reference Operations which we can perform on linked lists are listed below- 1-Creation of linked list 2-Insertion in front of linked list 3-Insertion in middle of linked list 4-Insertion in the end of linked list 5-Deletion of front node 6-Deletion of random node 7-Deletion of End node 8-Searching of a node Structure of a node of a linked list is as follows- struct node{ ...
A prime number (or a prime ) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. for example-5 is a prime number as it is divisible only by 5 and 1. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define max 1000000 //array for storing prime numbers int a[max]; int main() { int i=0;j=0;p=0;q=0;k=0,flag; //Enter any range printf("enter the range:"); scanf("%d %d",&p,&q); //loop for the whole range for(j=p;j<=q;j++) { flag=0; //if number is not even then enter to next level if(j%2!=0 || j==2) { //check the number if it is a prime or not for(i=3;i<=sqrt(j);i+=2) { ...

Translation of a line in computer graphics is changing the position of line in the graph . This picture shows the translation of a point.Here we are adding the translation points to the original points.If (x,y) are original points and translation points are (tx, ty) then 1-point translation( x'=x+tx; y'=y+ty; similarly, in a line, we can translate both the end points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). //program for line translation #include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<graphics.h> using namespace st...

As we can see that there is no special syntax in blogger by which we can highlight the syntax of a code.It is quite easy to do so.we can do this by just inserting few lines of codes in our template html code.You can go through this step by step guide- 1-Open your blogger dashboard and go to template section Here you will see two options customize and Edit HTML . Click on the Edit HTML. 2-Copy the script given below- <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> <!-- END INCLUDE SyntaxHighlighter Components --> <!-- INCLUDE YOUR BRUSHES WHICH YOU WANT TO USE HERE --> <script src='
We know that finding the factorial of large numbers is not possible with available data types in C++.We can also see that there are trailing zeros in every factorial after 5!. It is an interesting question that what will be the last non-zero digit of the factorial of a number. Here is a simple algorithm based on recurrence relation by which we can easily find the last nonzero digit of a factorial. Let's say D(N) denotes the last non-zero digit of factorial, then the algorithm says D(N)=4*D[N/5]*D(Unit digit of N)[If tens digit of N is odd] D(N)=6*D[N/5]*D(Unit digit of N)[If tens digit of N is even]; Where [N/5] is greatest Integer Function. for the numbers less than 10 we can easily find the last non-zero digit by multiplying. D(1)=1 D(2)=2 D(3)=6 D(4)=4 D(5)=2 D(6)=2 D(7)=4 D(8)=2 D(9) = 8 Example- What will be the last non-zero digit of 26!*33!. D(26)=6*D[26/5]*D(6)=6*D(5)*D(6)=6*2*2=4 [D(5) means last non zero digit of 5!=120 which is 2, same for D(6)] D(33)=4*D[33/5]*D(3)=4...
We know that we can not find consecutive numbers above N/2 that adds up to N.So we will start from start=1 till end=N/2 and check for every consecutive sequence whether it adds up to N or not.If it is then we print that sequence and start looking for the next sequence by incrementing start point . Given a number N.We have to print all possible sums of consecutive numbers that add up to N . Examples: Input : 100 Output : 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 Input :125 Output : 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 62 63 C ode is gi ven below- #include using namespace std; int main(void) { int end; float N=125.0; int start; int answers[1024]; end = ceil(N / 2); // note that we dont ever have to sum numbers > ceil(N/2) //set start=1 start = 1; //repeat the loop from bottom to half while (start { int i; size_t answer_n; int sum; sum = 0; answer_n = 0; //check if there exist any sequence ...